Kelvindale Primary School
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Adults In Playground

Dear Parent/ Carer,

In Kelvindale Primary we enjoy the luxury of parents/ carers having access to the playground at the start and end of each school day. This very good community arrangement works well as long as all adults work together for the safety, care and welfare of all pupils. Until now our Playground Users Guide (available on school website and from school office) has requested all adults wait in the Adult Zone (with the exception of P1 parents/ carers at start of each session).

Sadly this arrangement has been increasingly unsuccessful, with a high level of adult congestion in the playground out with the Adult Zone at 9am, and this has become a concern for staff and parents alike with regard to pupil care, welfare and safety. Their concerns were raised at the recent Parent Council meeting.

At this meeting the Parent Council and I agreed to a suggestion by a parent that we introduce an ‘adult bell’ at 8.57am for adults to leave the playground. This ‘Adult Bell’ will commence Monday 1st October 2012.

Please follow this new procedure and ensure other adults are aware of it too if they bring your child(ren) to school.

  1. 8.45am

2 staff members supervise playground as normal procedure.

  1. 8.57am Adult Bell rings

a)    P2 – P7 adults leave playground promptly.

b)    P1 adults go to Adult Zone promptly. After October Week Holiday P1 adults leave playground at 8.57am with all other adults.

c)    If you have a message to pass to a class teacher please come to the main office via the main entrance where staff and a member of management will be happy to help you.

  1. 9am Pupil/ Staff Bell rings

a)    Staff collect their class from circle promptly.

b)    To October Week P1 adults leave playground promptly.

  1. 9.05am

a)    Janitor locks gate & shutter.

b)    Latecomers follow normal procedure i.e. enter school via main door, report to office before child goes to class.

Afternoon arrangement remains as before:

3.10pm gate & shutter open for adults to enter playground.

P1-P3 adults please ensure class teacher sees you collect your child from their circle.

Please help us maintain a successful arrangement to have adults in the playground while ensuring pupil safety, care and welfare. Together we can make it work.

Kind Regards

Caroline Darroch 

Head Teacher