Kelvindale Primary School
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Oxford Reading Tree is main reading scheme used to support the teaching of reading in P1 – P3. It provides activities to promote language skills, and books to support reading development. The Phonic Scheme, Jolly Phonics, is used to compliment reading skills development

Project X is the Reading Scheme used to support the development of reading skills in P4 - P7. In addition to this reading scheme, great emphasis is placed on children’s fiction and we encourage children to read modern children’s novels. Pupils are also taught to use reference books and collect information for class projects. Parental interest is vital in encouraging children to practise their reading skills. Membership of a public library from an early age can help establish a love of books.

There is an inextricable link between reading and writing. Children are encouraged to write as soon as they start school. We are currently developing new techniques in the teaching of writing to further support the development of writing skills in different genres and formats.
ICT is an important resource in developing written language with SmartBoards in every classroom providing opportunities for the use of stimulating and challenging activities from Primary 1 - 7.
Talking & Listening
Children’s literacy develops when they are encouraged to talk, listen and discuss. Throughout the school considerable emphasis is placed on oral communication and the skill of listening.  


In line with Glasgow City Council’s policy French is taught to pupils in Primary 5, 6 and 7.
Our school piloted the introduction of French to Primary 1 and as a result of its great success we have now extended the teaching of French into Primary 2, Primary 3 and Primary 4.