Pupil Absence Reporting
Glasgow's mainstream primary and secondary schools operate a generic pupil absence reporting service during the school week. Parent/Carers or a named contact person can report their child's absence online at https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/pupilabsence you should register with myaccount to access this.
Alternatively you can report their absence/appointments by phoning the dedicated absence team on 0141 287 0039 or 0141 471 3710, lines open from 8am Monday to Friday.
Sickness absence: A pupil's sickness absence must be reported prior to 09.30 am on the day of the absence. If the absence lasts more than one day, parents and carers are required to call on subsequent days to provide an update.
Medical or dental appointments: A pupil’s appointment absence can be reported up to 4 weeks in advance.
Using the online form will make it easier to report a pupil's absence or appointment during peak periods.
To make sure you receive the right support you require, parents and carers should still contact the school directly to report absences of a sensitive or personal nature, for example:
Serious illness, for example, an absence which is going to last more than one week
- Injury, for example, broken limb
- Contagious diseases or illness